Pilot Survey Consent
Thank you again for you willingness to participate in this study. The goal of this research study is to provide highly effective, easy to use tools for teachers that allow them to easily teach science content and build student identity as young scientists. This study is being conducted by Jeffrey Imrich, Sung-Ae Yang and Katherine Busch from Rock by Rock. The National Institute of Health has provided funding for this study.
There are 3 qualifications to participate in this study:
- Teachers must teach 5th-7th grade.
- Teachers must be willing to teach a project-based learning unit over the course of the 2023-2024 school year.
- Complete a survey and participate in an interview to share feedback on the design of student learning experiences.
Participation in this study is voluntary. If you agree to participate in this study, you would be interviewed about your perspectives about the efficacy of the design of a project-based learning experience, how easy the project is to use and how likely it is to lead to student learning and growth in STEM identity. The survey and interview includes questions about how teachers would use the project and how they would improve the project for use in their setting. Participation is voluntary and you may choose not to answer any questions, but the information you provide will be helpful to us.
Our goal is that by participating in this study you may benefit in learning new methods and approaches to teaching science and new public health content aligned to national science standards. It will also help us learn how to improve our design and support teachers like yourself and it will provide you ideas you can apply in your classroom. Twenty focus group participants will have the option of teaching two projects in their classroom. Those participants will receive an additional stipend, free access to two complete learning experiences and professional development.
If you participate in the study, you will receive $300 stipend. The information you will share with us if you participate in this study will be kept completely confidential to the full extent of the law. During the survey and interview we will collect your name, email, and opinions about the design of our learning experiences. Your identity will be kept confidential and your opinions will be used internally to inform product design and will not be shared externally.
No one at the National Institute of Health will be able to see your survey or even know whether you participated in this study. When the study is completed and the data have been analyzed, the list linking participant’s names to study numbers will be destroyed. Study findings will be presented only in summary form and your name would not be used in any report. While the investigator(s) will keep your information confidential, there are some risks of data breaches when sending information over the internet that are beyond the control of the investigator(s).
Please note: You must be 18 or older to participate in this study.
If you have any questions about this study, please contact Jeff Imrich (jeffrey.imrich@rockbyrock.com) or Sung-Ae Yang (sungae.yang@rockbyrock.com). If you have any questions or complaints, you may contact a person not on the research team at the Biomedical Research Alliance of New York Institutional Review Board at (516) 318-6877 or at www.branyirb.com/concerns-about-research.
By completing this survey, you are consenting to participate in this study.