1.2 The Impact of Natural Disasters

A. Did You Know?

B. One Natural Disaster: Hurricane Harvey

Thousands of natural disasters happen around the world each year. One example of a natural disaster is a hurricane. A hurricane is a very strong tropical storm with winds that blow at a speed of 74 miles per hour or more. Sometimes more than one storm can happen around the same time. We give tropical storms and hurricanes names to help us know which storm we are talking about.


In August 2017, Hurricane Harvey hit Texas and Louisiana. As you watch the video below, think like a scientist and observe:

  • What do you notice about the weather?
  • What effects did Hurricane Harvey have on the people that lived where it was happening?
  • How did people respond to the hurricane? 

C. More Natural Disasters

Hurricane Harvey is one example of a natural disaster. Different types of disasters occur around the world each year. Below are some examples of other well-known natural disasters. As you explore the examples below, think like a scientist and observe:

  • Did any of these natural disasters surprise you? Why?
  • Which of these natural disasters do you think is the most devastating? Why?
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