1.1 Your Mission: Reduce the Impact of Wild Weather and Natural Disasters

A. Your Mission

B. Take Action Project: Making an Interactive Exhibit

We can’t stop wild weather and natural disasters from happening, but we can learn how to protect ourselves, our property, and our communities. In this project you will learn about using kinship to protect yourself and others from natural disasters. Then, you will create your own interactive exhibit to teach others about protection from wild weather and natural disasters.

C. Gathering your evidence

Being a Fact Finder

In this module you will learn all about: 

  • What wild weather and other natural disasters are.
  • How maps can help us better understand where natural disasters occur.
  • How wild weather and natural disasters accelerate the processes of weathering and erosion.
  • How we can protect ourselves, our property, and our communities when wild weather and natural disasters happen.

You’ll play games, do experiments, watch videos, meet experts and read. Every time you learn something new, you should write down important information in your Mission Log. Write down anything you think will help you with your final project. 


Write your notes in the “Fact Finder” section at the start of your Mission Log. 

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