1.2 Meet T.J.

A. Meet T.J.

Thousands of kids suffer from traumatic (serious) brain injury every year. Before we learn more about the brain lets meet a real kid and his mom to find out how they’ve been impacted by brain injury. 

T.J. lives in Kentucky with his family. When he was 7 years old he fell off his bike. He wasn’t wearing his helmet. He had a serious brain injury and was rushed to the hospital.  Doctors said his injury was serious and he was in surgery for four hours. 

Watch the video of T.J. and his mom to learn more about T.J.’s injury and how he’s fought to try to recover. As you watch, think about:

  1. What happened to T.J.?
  2. How did that impact his life?
  3. How did that impact his family?
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