1.1 What’s the Problem for Gorillas?

A. Your Mission

B. Take Action Project: Making a Mural

Gorillas are amazing creatures, but they are in significant danger. We can all help by taking small actions to change how we use our cellphones. In this project you’ll create a mural to help others learn about how cellphones impact gorillas and how they can help. 

C. Can You Guess?

Gorillas are amazing. Here are some facts about gorillas to preview some of the fascinating things we’ll learn to help with our take action project. 


Directions: See how many facts you can guess about these amazing animals. 

True False Challenge

D. Gathering Your Evidence

Being a Fact Finder

In this module you will learn all about:

  • What makes gorillas special? 
  • How long have gorillas been on earth and how do we know? 
  • What natural resources are found in cellphones and where are they found?
  • What threat’s do gorillas face?
  • Who is helping and how can we help? 

You’ll play games, make models, watch videos, meet experts and read. Every time you learn something new, you should write down important information in your Mission Log. Write down anything you think will help you with your final project.


Write your notes in the “Fact Finder” section at the start of your Mission Log.

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