1.1 Your Mission: Help the Planet by Reducing Pollution from Single-Use Plastics

A. Your Mission

B. Take Action Project: Producing A Podcast

Plastic pollution is making the air we breathe and the water we drink dirty, filling up our rivers and oceans, and harming the health of animals and humans. In this project you will learn about using kinship to save our planet from plastic pollution. Then, you will write your own podcast to teach others about plastic pollution and inspire them to take action. 

C. Gathering Your Evidence

Being a Fact Finder

In this module you will learn all about:

  • Why and how plastic was invented.
  • How the popularity of single-use plastics has made the problem of plastic pollution massive.
  • What are earth’s spheres, how do they interact, and how is plastic harming each of the spheres.
  • What is the hydrosphere and why is plastic causing so much harm to oceans and waterways.
  • What are the ways we can use kinship to fight plastic pollution.

You’ll play games, do experiments, watch videos, meet experts and read. Every time you learn something new, you should write down important information in your Mission Log. Write down anything you think will help you with your final project.


Write your notes in the “Fact Finder” section at the start of your Mission Log.

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